OSKSC is a company incorporated in Malaysia and a subsidiary of the OSK Group, offering Syariah-compliant personal financing facilities.
The product offered is an unsecured Islamic personal financing facility. Currently, this product is offered to civil servants, with monthly installment payments made via salary deduction through Angkatan Koperasi Kebangsaan Malaysia Berhad (“ANGKASA”).
This product is based on the Syariah concept of Commodity Murabahah through Tawarruq.
You are eligible to apply if you meet the following criteria:
You are required to submit:
You do not need a guarantor or collateral for this financing. However, this requirement depends on the credit evaluation conducted by us at our discretion.
You do not need to pay any membership or service fees to anyone under any circumstances.
Monthly installment payments will be made via salary deduction through Angkatan Koperasi Kebangsaan Malaysia Berhad (“ANGKASA”).